Eating food can cause cancer

eating food can cause cancer
Triggers cancer usually are foods rich in artificial sugar, refined carbohydrates, preservatives and byproducts from the fryer (cooking oil). These foods also have a detrimental effect on the general health, affect the cardiovascular system, nervous system and reproductive system. These cancer-causing foods can also contribute to cause diabetes, obesity and heart disease.

Unfortunately, there are some foods that are harmful carcinogen, was actually often we eat with pleasure. Well, what are dangerous foods cause cancer? Here are five (5) include:

1. Donuts

Donat is a combination of three key properties of food cause cancer: namely fried, high in sugar and refined carbohydrates are based on (flour dihiling). The combination of waste frying process, together with the amount of sugar and flour are also many, making donuts are very dangerous for people who are trying to reduce the risk of cancer.

2. Sweet drinks

Sources of foods high in artificial sugars like sugary drinks, sodas and juices can increase the risk of cancer. In a study to be included in the journal "Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (2010)" shows that people who consume at least two doses of soda per week to have the possibility of 87 percent higher pancreatic cancer compared with those who did not consume soft drinks (which contain artificial sugar).
Other studies have shown an association between sugar consumption and cancer of the stomach and intestines. Although sugar itself does not directly change healthy cells into cancer cells, but the artificial sugar is a source of "joy" of cancer cells. Over time, heavy sugar intake can also increase the overall output of the cell metabolism, which means increasing the number of remaining oxidative metabolism, which is the originator of cancer.

3. French fries

Fried foods increase the risk of cancer, especially when the food contains hydrogenated oils, saturated fat, and a byproduct of frying called acrylamide. Acrylamide is a substance causes cancer and also a kind of neurotoxin which has a detrimental effect not only on the brain, but the reproductive system as well. Kanduangan foods with high carbohydrates such as potatoes easily produce acrylamide during the frying process. It makes a lot of frying potato products such as french fries and potato chips are in the main list of cancer-causing foods.

4. Hot dog

Preserved meat is one of the factors triggering the risk of stomach cancer and other other diseases of the digestive system. And will become more dangerous when the substances such as sodium nitrate (primary preservative for hot dogs) was added to the meat mixture. Hot Dog and preserved meat and salted should be avoided or minimized, to avoid the risk of gastric cancer.

5. Meat Grill

You like to eat satay? Steak? Barbeque? Be careful.
When a plant or animal matter is burned, a number of substances are mutagenic beracundan formed. Many of these substances are exactly the same as those produced in the combustion of tobacco (cigarettes) which have toxic properties and raises the risk of cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, colon cancer, gastric cancer and other digestive system cancers associated with high intake of meat grilled or roasted meat. Although there has been much research on the effects of other foods such as burnt toast, the same effect may occur.

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