Mango Fruit For Health Benefits

Mango Fruit For Health Benefits

Mango fruit for health benefits. Mango is a fruit that is very special and unique as well. Because besides being tasty and delicious, it was mango also has many health benefits for the human body. Not only as a palatable, mangoes can help maintain the health of your body.

Benefits of mango is certainly very much. But here are some general benefits that have been widely known to most people in the world of health:

1. Reduces Diabetes
Mango has a low glycemic index (41-60) so consume them in a number of rather a lot, does not increase blood sugar levels. Not only fruit, but also healthy mango leaves. For people suffering from diabetes, simply by boiling 5-6 mango leaves and soak all night drinking boiled water after being filtered in the morning. This herb will help in regulating insulin levels.

2. Prevention of Macular Degeneration
Antioxidants zeaxanthin found in mangoes that filters blue light rays, which are expected to play a protective role in eye health and may counteract the damage from macular degeneration. Intake of fruits are high (3 servings or more a day), has been proven to reduce the risk and the development of age-related macular degeneration.

3. Prevent Heart Disease
Fiber, potassium and vitamins is content in its entirety mango will help ward off heart disease. Increased intake of potassium along with a decrease in sodium intake is dietary changes are the most important in a person, which would reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

4. Cancer Prevention
Studies have shown the antioxidant compounds in mangoes has been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. These compounds including quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, and the enzymes are abundant.

5. Healthy Bones
Not only is the calcium in milk benefits that influence bone health, but a low intake of vitamin K, which is often associated with an increased risk of fractures. Consumption of proper intake of the benefits of fruits and vegetables, it is important to increase the absorption of calcium include mango fruit is optimal.

6. Assist Digestion
Mango has enzymes that help destroy the fat and protein in the food we eat. Then the fiber content in mango helps in digestion naturally, which facilitates the disposal of waste products.

7. Iron High For Women
Mangoes are rich in iron, so it can be a natural solution for people who suffer from anemia. In addition, the mango is also good for menopausal women or are pregnant, because mangoes will increase their levels of iron and calcium at the same time.

8. Keeping Cholesterol
Mango guava has a number of benefits, which contain high levels of vitamin C, pectin and fiber will help lower cholesterol levels. Fresh mango is a rich source of potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.

9. Healthy Eyes
The eye is an important sense for humans. One cup of sliced ​​mangoes supplies 25% of vitamin A, of the required daily intake. It is capable of distancing from various eye diseases such as night blindness, dryness of the eyes and itchy eyes.

10. Prevention of Asthma
Mangoes can affect the risk of developing asthma is lower. It also occurs in people who consume high amounts of certain nutrients. One of these nutrients is beta carotene, which is found in the benefits of papaya, apricots, broccoli, melons, pumpkins and carrots.

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